When it comes to buying telematics, the fleet tracking device is just the start. The fleet software plan you choose is just as important. Different rate plans include different features, so it can impact what you can or can’t do with your telematics system.
First, let’s take a look at what Geotab offers.
Fleet software rate plan overview
On the Geotab open platform, fleets have a choice of four different rate plans: Base, Regulatory, Pro, and ProPlus. One additional, Third-Party Device plan is also available. Features vary by plan, although some features — like customizable dashboards and the MyGeotab rules engine — are common to all rate plans. This article focuses on Geotab ProPlus and the plan’s benefits.
What is Geotab ProPlus?
ProPlus is Geotab’s top rate plan and provides the greatest functionality, plus access to fleet goodies like Active Tracking, the limited lifetime warranty, and premium services, just to name a few. As well, ProPlus supports advanced driver coaching and the higher data usage of several IOX integrations. The plan is available worldwide.
How do I know if ProPlus is right for my fleet?
Quick quiz: if you answer “Yes” to any of the questions below, then you might be a ProPlus fleet. (This isn’t designed as an exclusive list, but we hope it helps you get started.)
Does your fleet need a highly accurate, live view of vehicle location?
Do you want to integrate your telematics with other asset tracking devices, such as cargo temperature monitoring or Bluetooth® beacons?
Is speeding and idling a problem and you need to graduate to advanced driver coaching?
Do you want the limited lifetime device warranty?
As you can see, your fleet goals play a big role in rate plan selection. Even if your fleet is small, if you have specific needs, or want to dive into telematics and get maximum value from your system, ProPlus is worth considering.
7 reasons to sign up for ProPlus
We created this list of the top ProPlus benefits, to show what makes ProPlus so great. On top of all the benefits of the other rate plans, ProPlus offers:
1. Limited lifetime device warranty — For many fleets, the lifetime warranty is a must. It allows you to protect your investment. In the event of the GPS device failure, or if the network on which the device operates no longer provides adequate coverage (as determined by Geotab), Geotab will replace the device with a device that provides the same level of functionality free of charge if:
The device is on ProPlus at the time of failure*; AND
The device has not been tampered with.
2. Active Tracking (Optional) — Ambulance, police and other first responder fleets need up-to-the minute, live tracking. For emergency services, getting to the destination safely and quickly is paramount. Active Tracking provides that next-level tracking ability. Even local delivery or taxi fleets and others where time matters most, can benefit from this feature. Active Tracking is Geotab’s premium tracking solution, which can be activated if your fleet is on ProPlus.
3. Support services — Free expert support with a fleet-wide ProPlus subscription? Yes, please! By opting in to the program, Geotab subscribers can receive help, resolve issues, or request training — all from MyGeotab, without leaving the application.
4. Engine data —You get the full range of engine data on ProPlus. In addition to the basics (odometer, engine hours and engine road speed), a ProPlus subscription lets you record critical data like total fuel used, idle fuel used, RPM, Check Engine light, engine faults, and driver’s seat belt. Fine-tune fleet maintenance and safety programs and build and monitor fleet rules for engine diagnostics and issues or engine misuse.
5. Advanced driver coaching — Is your fleet looking to cut down on unsafe and costly driving behavior? Advanced driver coaching might be what you need. Pro and ProPlus gives you the ability to track and manage these particular driving events (below). Fleet safety management is supported by Geotab’s robust rule-setting and audible driver notifications.
Driving in reverse
High RPM / over-revving the engine (also good to track if you are seeking fuel savings)
Seat belt usage over a pre-set speed
Aggressive driving (acceleration, braking, cornering)
6. Integration with tire pressure monitoring, Mobileye and lone worker solutions — Some fleet solutions from the Geotab Marketplace require ProPlus. Sign up for ProPlus to integrate with real-time tire pressure and temperature monitoring from Continental Tire, Mobileye collision avoidance technology, or the Grace lone worker/man down safety monitoring system. 7. Support for advanced IOX expanders — Expansion is one of the key pillars of the Geotab telematics platform. While some Input/Output Expanders (IOX) are included with the Base, Regulatory and Pro rate plans, ProPlus opens the gate to advanced IOX technology. These Add-Ons are a surefire way to extend the value of your Geotab GO device. Here is a quick list:
Bluetooth® beacon monitoring (IOX-BT)
Substance spreader controllers (IOX-DJ DICKEY-john®, IOX-CRS Cirus Controls® SpreadSmart Rx®, IOX-COMSPREAD Rexroth® Compu-Spread®, IOX-CRS Cirus Controls® SpreadSmart Rx®, IOX-FAM FORCE AMERICA® 5100ex)
IOX-CAN for reading data from third-party hardware over the vehicle’s CAN bus
More available.
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